Fluid build-up

Two months after Wiser’s amputation surgery fluid started to build up on his stump. The bump, nor Wiser had any signs of an infection. It confused me. My vet (who really doesn’t have much experience with amputations as he does not do them, but is an amazing vet) told me to come see him. I decided not to and called the surgeon that did Wiser’s surgery. He said that it could just be a bruise which has built up fluid if he had hit it on something seeing as there are no signs of infection. He told me to give it ten days and see how it was progressing. So here we are waiting.

Emily Murray

Author: Emily Murray

Owner of an adorable almost a year old three-legged chocolate lab.

2 thoughts on “Fluid build-up”

  1. Hmmm…I don’t have any advice about the fluid build-up because we never had that issue, but I hope it goes away soon and isn’t bothering Wiser too much. And remember, if you are worried and think 10 days is too long to wait, call your vet! You pay them a lot of money, so they can take the time to figure out what’s going on. In the meantime, I hope Wiser feels better!! Keep us posted on what the build-up is from when you find out!

  2. Paws fingers toes & tails crossed that this isn’t anything but some fluid working it’s way out. I agree with your vet’s advice, sounds like a good plan. Keep us posted!

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